North London School

Homework Guidelines

You can find the Homework Guidelines below:

Homework Guidelines

Homework is important for a number of reasons.

• It supports and reinforces learning, so may not always involve writing, but might be a game to be played, things to measure/weigh, reading or using friends and family as a resource

• develops and maintains links between school and home. Parents are able to support their child’s learning

• encourages independent learning

• provides opportunities for personal research. The ability to research using books and the Internet is a vital skill.

• should not be stress-provoking or viewed as a punishment and work set will be appropriate to the pupil’s individual needs

• develops good work habits and organisational skills in preparation for life in Senior School

Homework will be a mixture of discreet, written exercises, an occasion for finishing off work, the completion of worksheets or set homework activities on online platforms such as Atom Learning or Timetables Rockstars.

Neat presentation is as important for homework as it is for classwork.

Homework that requires research (whether internet or book-based) should only be set on weekends.

At certain points during the school year pupils will be expected to learn words for productions, assemblies and concerts.

After school hours pupils need to have a balance of work, rest and play.

Should a homework take much longer parents are asked to stop their child and write a note to the teacher.

Homework is set according to the School Homework Policy. You can find the policy here.

Here are some tips on how to get the best out of homework

1. Write your homework details down clearly and carefully in your planner.
2. Make sure you understand the homework when it is set. Ask the teacher if you are not sure.
3. Try to do your homework on the day it is set while it is still fresh in your mind. Please don’t leave it to the night before it should be handed in.
4. Get into a routine with homework times. Set a time each night. Organise and plan your time. Hand it in on time.
5. Work in a place that suits you best.
6. If it is a complicated piece of writing (like a story, essay, or report) draft it out in rough first.

Additional suggestions:

1. If you are doing a long stint, give yourself a couple of breaks during it so that you don’t get too tired. Reward yourself with a treat if you have worked really hard.
2. If you are stuck, try to get your parents or an older brother or sister to help (but not to do your homework)
3. Try to improve on the fundamental task set. For example, use extra detail, explanations, or illustrations.
4. Always check through your work to spot mistakes and to add any final touches.

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