A typical day in school would begin with the students arriving in their classroom where they will be welcomed by their class tutor. They would then take their coats if the weather is cold and begin their morning routine of yoga class. During this time, the students will do some exercises to enhance their developing motor skills. Our students also develop their bones and muscles as well as their cognitive and social skills. They will then re-enter the classroom for a brief registration to monitor the number of students in class.
They will then proceed to have their first lesson of English Literacy where our teachers who have expertise in the profession of English will teach them in the classroom and go through all of the necessary and key modules for the class, where the students are encouraged to be interactive, put their hands up and present to the class to improve their skillset.
After one hour of their first lesson, students will then have their Numeracy Maths lesson for the next hour. Our qualified teachers will have some interactive and fun ways to learn maths, through online maths games. Hence, students will develop their skills in maths and numeracy.
After break time it is a tradition in our school to line up quietly before entering the school building for assembly. This also encourages and sets up a good atmosphere for good behaviour in the hall.
During assembly, the students will be guided through a PSCHE led theme lesson by their specialised for tutors. They will talk on themes relevant to their course knowledge from real world issues to cultural experiences and personal interests.
Lessons Again
The students will then proceed to an alternate subject which would typically be guided reading, music, history, spelling maths, art and RE. Each class is specialised by a teacher who is an expert in the field. For subject such as Art, History and Music, we are very fortunate to have our senior school teachers teaching these subjects to junior school, as they are understanding of both the course modules and are able to incorporate key skills in the subject.
Following this would be lunch, where the students will have a 45-minute break where they would be taken to the dining hall to have some lunch. We usually have hot food available for any students who are paying for their school lunches. There will be a teacher supervising inside the canteen where they are eating and another teacher outside to supervise their outdoor playing.
Once lunch has finished, the students will then head inside to have their last two lessons of the day. These will also alternate depending on the day. These subjects will be between, Art, Spanish, Mental Maths, Geography, PSHEE, Games.
Their final lesson of the day will be a combination of ICT, Science, Drama and Games. They will have one of these subjects for their last lesson by a qualified teacher, and we are again fortunate to have our ICT teacher from senior school teaching our students.
They will then go home for the day, once they finish their lesson. Some students stay behind in after school club. Our creative experts manage this club. The club children will typically stay for an hour as a maximum. We encourage the students to do homework during this time after school.
For more information, please email to: admissions@northlondongrammar.com

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