- Initial Interest
Visit our website : www.northlondongrammar.com
Telephone: 0208 205 0052
Email: admissions@northlondongrammar.com for information about admissions.
- Complete Registration Form to book an Entrance Test
- Following a Successful Entrance Test
Paying the registration fees: payment through our website.
- Interview
An interview will be arranged and then a decision about the type of offer for a school place will be made.
- Offer Letter issued
The offer letter will be emailed to you with further forms to be completed. To accept the offer, the following stages are required.
- To be placed on the NLGS Acceptance List
By accepting a place, you will be asked to pay £1,375 deposit into the schools bank account.
(Please use your child’s name as the reference and deposit e.g. deposit/John Smith)
- To be placed on the NLGS Secured Place List
The payment of the tuition fee is now required for the first term or year using the following bank details:
North London Grammar School
HSBC Sort Code: 40-06-18 | Account number: 01489372
IBAN: GB61HBUK40061801489372 | BIC: HBUKGB4142J
For further information, please telephone 0208 205 0052 and ask for Ms Patel, Admissions Officer, or email admissions@northlondongrammar.com